What Is Play Therapy?

What Is Play Therapy?

Play therapy focuses on helping children express their feelings, and can be extremely helpful to the adults in their lives. Sigmund Freud is credited with the first documented use of play therapy, where a parent observed her child while they played. During this play session, the child did not mention his anger at the teacher or any other adult but instead played out scenes from his home life, including being hit by her parents. He even told his mother that he was being abused, and this insight allowed him to help his daughter get over the phobia.

Play therapy can be extremely helpful to let children express their feelings. The process can be done in many ways and is often very effective. One way to use play therapy is to encourage the child to engage in physical activity. It is important to encourage the child to be active during these sessions. While some children need physical exercise, others may love to use creativity. A good example of this is a sand tray, which is a small plastic container that allows the child to create their own story. Another example is using play dough, where they can create something that helps them tell a story. Many times, having busy hands helps children (and adults!) communicate better. 

sand tray

A child may be referred to as having “play therapy” to help them overcome a particular problem. This therapy is different from the typical type of therapy. Each child will have a different amount of involvement with the therapist, and he or she will make the decision in consultation with you, the child’s caretakers. The therapist will also talk to the family during the session, if you wish. The goal is to get the child to express their feelings and work towards a resolution.

A play therapist observes the child’s behavior during the play session and then uses this information to develop activities that will help heal the child. The child’s play is a natural way to express feelings and express challenges. As a result, a play therapist will be able to pick up on any issues the child might be facing through play. 

Not all children are candidates for play therapy. A child must be stable and have no history of serious illness before being recommended for therapy. If the child is aggressive or hyperactive, play therapy may not be appropriate. If the child is acting out of character, he may need immediate intervention. Ultimately, it is important to make the best decision for the child. For example, children who have trouble concentrating may require intensive intervention.

A play therapist will not tell the parents every detail of what happens in the playroom. They will instead use themes and allow the child to express himself through imaginative play. A child’s play therapist will work with the child and the parent to understand the reasons behind his behavior. A play therapist will help them learn how to communicate their feelings through playing. They will also help the child explore his or her feelings. A child’s development is reflected in his or her ability to communicate. Play is a good way to gain trust and helps people feel like they can open up easier.

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